Heel Pain And What To Do about It

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How to fix heel pain / Treatment for heel pain

Pain in the heel can be experienced anywhere in the heel but is most common in either the bottom of the heel or at the back of the heel. It is usually related to inflammation at the insertion of the Achilles tendon or the insertion of the plantar fascia (muscle that runs along the bottom of the foot). Heel pain can also be associated with hard skin build up.
Pain in the heel where the Achilles tendon inserts can be as a result of tight muscles in the back of the leg, poor biomechanics, inappropriate footwear or an increase in training load. It is important to get pain in the back of the heel assessed as if left untreated the Achilles tendon can become weaker and be at risk of rupture. See the section on Achilles Pain Treatment under Sports Injuries for more information.
Pain in the bottom of the heel may be related to plantar fasciitis (the inflammation of the muscle that runs along the bottom of your foot), poor biomechanics or inappropriate footwear. The longer you leave this condition untreated, the longer it takes to resolve. See the section on Heel Pain Treatment under Foot Problems for more information.
When the hard skin builds up on the heels, it puts pressure on the healthy skin underneath and causes it to become sore. In people with reduced feeling in their feet, e.g. people with diabetes, nerve problems, this may lead to ulceration. See the section on Corn and Callous Treatment under Foot Problems for more information.
The Podiatrists at Scarborough Podiatry are experienced in assessing and treating all types of heel pain.
Treatment may include hard skin removal, strapping, orthotics, stretching and strengthening education, dry needling and manipulation techniques.
If you have any questions on how to treat your heel pain, please call to speak with one of our podiatrists.

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