• (08) 6269 2040
  • Address: 191b Scarborough Beach Rd, Doubleview WA 6018.

Grace Hughes

Grace Hughes

Podiatrist at Scarborough & Balcatta

Grace Hughes Podiatrist in ScarboroughGrace Hughes chose a career in the health care sector because she loves to help people. The opportunity to improve people’s foot health and ultimately their quality of life is what excited Grace to a career in Podiatry. As the podiatry profession has and continues to evolve over the years and podiatrists’ scope to help people lower limb diseases and disorders has greatly expanded.

Grace graduated with a Bachelor of Science and Podiatry from the Galway University, Ireland. In conjunction with obtaining her undergraduate degree she also completed several additional courses to help treat and manage foot pathologies including a dry needling certificate, training in the use of shockwave treatment (an evidence-based treatment commonly used for chronic tendinopathies such as Plantar fasciitis) and SWIFT wart treatment (a new technology developed for the treatment of stubborn warts). Grace has also completed training in ankle mobilisations utilising manual therapy techniques to help decrease pain and treat joint dysfunctions that can limit people’s range of movement.

Grace has been working as a podiatrist for eight years now. During this time, she has had the chance to work in public health podiatry which has provided Grace with greater insight into the management and prevention of foot complications such as diabetic foot ulcerations and amputee prevention in the presence of Diabetes. Grace has also worked in regional Queensland within the residential aged care sector and private practice in Ireland and Australia. The broad mix of working environments have presented fantastic working opportunities for her to gain knowledge and experience in a variety of Podiatric sectors.

Treatments that Grace is trained to provide include:

  • All aspects of routine general nail care (ingrown and fungal nails) skin care, skin concerns (hard calluses, corn management).
  • Nail surgery for the permanent treatment of painful, chronic ingrown toenails.
  • Foot pain and injuries – tendinopathies, ankle sprains, chronic heel pain.
  • Children’s foot problems – including sporting injuries and flat feet.
  • Keryflex nail restoration treatment – for the cosmetic management of damaged and diseased toenails. This innovative technique uses an ultra-violet light to cure the composite resin to create a durable and flexible, artificial nail. Immediately, improving the appearance of damaged nails.

In her spare time Grace loves catching up with friends or going to the beach. Occasionally, you might find Grace enjoying a good book or out for a coastal bike ride.